I’m on a mission to heal the split between mind and body

Pain always carries a message. It might be a message to slow down, to stop doing something that hurts us, to stop chasing something that isn’t good for us. Sometimes it’s a message of fear, one that stops us moving towards something that another part of us is afraid of.

When the mind is split off from the body, as it is for so many of us in modern life, we cannot decode the message that pain is carrying. We can’t see the true cause of pain, ad so we can’t move towards a cure.

Massage helps bring the physical body into conscious awareness in a way that is itself healing and restorative but which also opens a pathway to the unconscious blocks and emotional patterns that get trapped in the body as we move through life.

My approach treats each client as whole human being, comprised of body, mind and spirit existing in dynamic relationship with the world around them. I see pain as something that isn’t just due to problems in the physical body. It also has causes in the emotional, energetic and spiritual bodies. All must be treated together.

I am a qualified holistic therapist, Thai yoga massage therapist, deep-tissue massage therapist, pregnancy massage therapist, yoga teacher, breathwork instructor and life coach.

Borrowing heavily from Wilhelm Reich, Alexander Lowen and Deveraj Sandberg, I’m also influenced by Taoism, Advaita Vedanta, G.I. Gurdjieff, A.H. Almaas, Rudolph Steiner and Raymond Peat among others.

These have helped me develop an understanding of the human being as an energetic system, where the free flow of energy through the organism is key to health, freedom and happiness.

I am a full member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists.

For somatic therapy, embodied wellness coaching and embodiment workshops, visit Embody Beyond.